Aims and Objectives

Recreating Africa through Skills for Students, Graduates and Start-Ups


  1. To enable academics and professionals in Africa, the African Diaspora and friends of Africa, African universities and research institutions to cooperate towards accelerating Africa’s its socio-economic development
  2. To innovate African higher education research and curricula and evolve national education and innovation systems that enable African graduates, academics, and professionals to become deeply skilled in the theory and practice of the disciplines, and aware of the roles played by the disciplines in resolving global challenging problems, for example the UN 2030 Strategic Development Goals (SDGs)
  3. To serve as a forum for ongoing cooperation amongst home- and Diaspora-based individuals and organizations in formulating and implementing educational, research, and capacity building interventions in Africa
  4. To effectively improve and internationalise African Higher Educational Institutions using combinations of best practices in online and technology-enhanced research, teaching, and learning
  5. To forge creative and sustainable North-South partnerships between Africa, its Diaspora, and international development organizations, in order to realize the above aims.


  1. To conduct high-level interdisciplinary research in key disciplines and apply the resulting knowledge to cogent problems in related industry sectors;
  2. To innovate African BSc, MSc and PhD programmes in this vein through collaborative teaching and research involving home-based and international scholars;
  3. To institute joint PhD supervisions, post-doctoral fellowships,  strategic project-based partnerships and linkages, and re-orient the cultures of African higher educational institutions in order to make them more entrepreneurial and international;
  4. To therefore provide research-informed think-tank support to African policymakers, businesses, and wider stakeholders in educational, economic and political systems;
  5. To work in harmony with the AU, AfDB, international development organizations, for example, United Nations organs (World Bank, and IMF), charities and foundations, national governments, civil society organizations, NGOs, (multi)national corporations, the private sector, global research institutes and centres of excellence, in accelerating the socio-economic development of Africa;
  6. To prioritise activities which directly benefit end users in Africa. Examples of such activities include programmes  and linkages to internationalize African HEIs, contract research, capacity building work in (higher) education and research, conferences, summer schools, seminars, training workshops, research festivals, wider academic development initiatives, and projects to develop specific fields of learning, from time to time;
  7. To maintain a positive offensive towards a new renaissance in Africa’s educational, economic and political systems through a triad of Millennium Projects – New Education, New Economics and New Governance projects;
  8. To engage in other activities that promote the socio-economic development of Africa at individual, local, regional, national, continental and international levels;
  9. To extend the capabilities in Afrihero to other developing regions of the world; see
  10. To create organizational structures that enable the aims and objectives of AFRIHERO to address peculiar problems faced by different African and developing countries; see below the remits of a Consortium for Global Corporate Academics (GCAs), formed since 2017 to transform African Higher Education as described in these aims and objectives.

Global Corporate Academics (GCAs)

We are a consortium of education professionals who are currently based in the UK. Our team members are originally from Africa and we have varied experiences in academia, government, and industry derived from our education and work engagements in both the UK (and Europe), and in our various countries of origin. Our passion is to make significant contributions towards the development of higher education in Africa.

Our vision as a consortium of experts in education is to work collaboratively with higher education institutions in Africa to:

  1. support the building of higher education institutions with robust systems that enable the provision of high quality and excellent standards in education
  2. enhance research, teaching and learning activities through different means, including the creation of centres for research and enterprise development within universities, and provide pedagogic advice and training; see for example the International Centre for Research and Human Development (ICREHUD) established by Afrihero in 2o19 at the Dominican University, Ibadan, Nigeria,, and the International Centre for Research and Enterprise Development (ICRED), UK,
  3. support universities on innovative and entrepreneurial business and management models, to address the challenges of chronic and inadequate funding
  4. use a detailed Integrated Business Model Template (IBMT, developed from Professor Ezepue’s 2019 PhD research supervision, to institute Afrihero, UK, as an online African Higher Education Academy (Afriheda X), a professional body of academics, students, and professionals across academia, industry, and government settings, who promote excellence and impact in African higher education
  5. organise annual international higher education leadership summits to innovate African universities
  6. organise training, workshops and courses for lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, to equip them with knowledge and skills that will enable them to have a global competitive advantage
  7. support universities in Africa to develop enabling partnerships and knowledge exchange initiatives with leading universities in the world.

Why Afrihero and GCA are different from other initiatives

Recognising that the bane of African socio-economic development is incessant talk-talk conferences and workshops, we are hands-on in originating innovative solutions in education, and actively implementing the solutions, in effect walking the talk.


For more details, please contact us at:

Email:; or through Tel. no:  +447772632150 to speak to the Director of Research and Enterprise Development, Professor Patrick Oseloka EZEPUE